Occupational Therapy for Children- Module 6: Neonatal Intensive Care
Course Description:
This course is derived from the textbook Occupational Therapy for Children by Jane Case-Smith, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Jane Clifford O'Brien, PhD, OTR/L. Occupational Therapy for Children focuses on children from infancy to adolescence and gives comprehensive coverage of both conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. The course includes author contributions, new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends to keep the therapist in step with the changes in pediatric OT practice. The text provides a strong focus on evidence-based practice with the addition of key research notes and explanations of the evidentiary basis for specific interventions.
This course covers chapters 22
- Chapter 22: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Methods of Instruction:
Online course available via internet
Target Audience:
Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapist Assistants
Educational Level:
Course Goals and Objectives:
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to:
1. Differentiate between the theories of sensory deprivation versus stimluation
2. Identify NICU classifications for age
3. Identify common medical equipment in the NIC and their usage
4. Recognize the importance of lighting in the NIC and when each is therapeutic
5. Recognize the benefits of skin-to-skin holding (kangaroo care)
6. Identify the Synactive Theory of Development's signs of stress and signs of stability
7. Recognize Potentially Better Practices (PBPs) to support neurodevelopment in the NICU
8. Recognize common NICU resting postures and therapeutic corrections
9. Differentiate between types of feeding and their advantages/disadvantages
Criteria for Obtaining Continuing Education Credits:
A score of 70% or greater on the post-test