Orthopedic Physical Assessment- Module 5: Knee
Course Description:
This course utilizes the text from Orthopedic Physical Assessment, by David J. Magee, PhD, BPT. The author offers a systematic approach to performing a neuromusculoskeletal assessment with rationales for various aspects of the assessment. This comprehensive course is complete with extensive use of tables, full color pictures of special tests, reliability and validity of many of the special tests, and radiographic highlights.
Module 5: Knee covers chapter 12
Methods of Instruction:
Online course available via internet
Target Audience:
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapist Assistants and Athletic Trainers.
Educational Level:
Course Goals and Objectives:
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Recognize the applied anatomy of the knee
- List the functions of the patella
- Identify the mechanisms of injury to the knee and the structures potentially injured
- Recognize the malalignments of the knee and possible correlated and compensatory motions and postures
- Recognize the important motions of the knee to observe during examination
- Identify the muscles of the knee, their actions, nerve supply and nerve root derivation
- Differentiate between sequential functional tests for the knee
- Recognize ligamentous tests commonly performed on the knee
- Differentiate between tests for one-plane anterior instability
- Recognize all aspects of a positive Lachman test
- Differentiate between tests for anterolateral rotary instability
- Recognize tests for posterolateral rotary instability
- Differentiate between special tests commonly performed on the knee
- Recognize tests for posterolateral instability
- Differentiate between tests for retreating or retracting meniscus
- Identify common tests for meniscus injury
- Recognize common tests for swelling
- Differentiate between tests for patellofemoral dysfunction
- Recognize the Ottawa Knee Rules for Radiographs of Acute Knee Injuries
Criteria for Obtaining Continuing Education Credits:
A score of 70% or greater on the post-test