Upper Extremity Total Joint Arthroplasty and More…
Course Preview
Course Description:
Hemiarthroplasty, Anatomic Total Shoulder, Reverse Total Shoulder….how well do you know the postsurgical differences? How does the difference of each procedure affect rehabilitation progression? What are the criteria of progression for each one? Chris Cox, PhD, MPT, CSCS will help you be more confident in your rehabilitation plans for each postsurgical procedure.
This course will cover:
-Differentiate between types of surgical procedures
-Complications to be aware of during rehabilitation
-Rehabilitation in phases
-Postsurgical joint mobilization and scar management
Methods of Instruction:
Online video course
Course Instructor:
Chris Cox, PhD, MPT, CSCS
Target Audience:
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapist Assistants and Athletic Trainers.
Educational Level:
Course Goals and Objectives:
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Differentiate shoulder surgical procedures (Hemiarthroplasty, Anatomic Total Shoulder, Reverse Total Shoulder)
- Recognize the indications/contraindications of each shoulder procedure
- Differentiate between the rehabilitation phases (exercises, manual therapy and progression criteria) of the Anatomic Total Shoulder
- Identify the indications for Reverse Total Shoulder vs Anatomic Total Shoulder
- Recognize the unique complications of a Reverse Total Shoulder
- Differentiate between the rehabilitation phases (exercises, manual therapy and progression criteria) of the Reverse Total Shoulder
- Identify components of an independent HEP for a Reverse Total Shoulder
- Differentiate between postsurgical scar management techniques
- Identify proper mobilization techniques for the knee/ankle/scapulothoracic joint
- Recognize functional tests to determine progression/return to play/return to work
Criteria for Obtaining Continuing Education Credits:
A score of 70% or greater on the post-test